Sunday, March 16, 2008

The Park and the Potty

Madison and Jon found a new park so they took me today. It's really nice and clean too. She just loves being there and has so much fun. There's this really cool swing that fits the parent and child and then it locks you in. Madison and I had alot of fun swinging on it. It's so nice to spend time with Jon and Maddie. I miss them terribly when I'm at work so I dedicate my entire weekend to them.
We finally brought out the potty this weekend. Maddie has been off her bottle for 2 weeks already and it's been great. I should've got her off along time ago. She doesn't rely on a sippy cup to go to sleep and she has never used a pacifier so we don't have that problem. She doesn't like to wear diapers and we have to be constantly chasing her to put it back on. So I put a pull-up on her which she doesn't like to wear but she is understanding the concept of pulling it up and down like underwear. When she goes to the bathroom, her toilet automatically plays music and we have stickers as a reward too!!! She is so excited about her potty. Once I'm done with the pack of pull-ups I have, I'm going to start using underwear because pull-ups are like diapers and we want to get rid of those not to mention save money on buying them. I'm going to try the plain cheap undies and when she is fully potty trained she can graduate to cute character underwear as a reward of becoming a big girl. I know it sounds cheesy but I want to make it fun for her. She has been telling us for months when she has to go the bathroom so we'll see how she does but I'm not going to push her.


Joe and Angela said...

The cute undies graduation is a good idea. Not cheesy at all. Kids need that kind of excitement for motivation sometimes. I'm sure she'll catch on to the potty thing in no time. She's such a smart little girl.

Bill, Lisa & Hayli said...

Good luck with the potty. She is Miss Independent so I'm sure that she will love it.

BTW, so cute with the star glasses. I've got a big smile on my face checking her out with those things.

Auntie Le-la

Joe and Angela said...

Hey, shirt in the 3rd picture :)