Tuesday, November 11, 2008

The Lujan House

Finally, I have the time to post some pictures of our new house. We moved in a month ago and as bad as it sounds, we're still trying to get it together. There's just not enough time in the day for us. When I get home from work, I just want to spend every second with Madison and Jon and not have to worry about the fixing the house. But it's surely not going to fix itself. We are renting at the moment but it's sure nice to have our own place. Our house is 3 bedrooms and 1.5 bath. We've had a few visitors already: my family and Auntie. It's so nice because we have so much space to fit all our company. Below are some pictures of the house.

Here's the front of our house and as you can tell, we have to put some TLC into our grass. There's also space to put a patio swing or a little table set in front of the right window.
Madzilla has a new hiding spot- the dryer. Since we explained that it's not safe to hide in there, she has found new spots in the many closets that we have here. I had asked her to show me how she gets in and she was so proud of herself. She lies on her tummy and gets in feet first. Then, I asked why she uses that way to get in and she said because she hit her head the first time. I asked Jon if he taught her that but he had no idea she was hiding in the dryer. So I assumed she went in head first the first time. She's quite clever and boy does she make me laugh!!!!
Here's our AWESOME living room. This is my favorite room in the house. We have filled it with furniture and a lot of pictures. It's huge with high ceiling arches and a lot of windows. These picture do no justice for this living room.
Here's another angle of our living room. Our dining table is near those french doors. I really like all the shelf space because I have space for all my pictures,...etc. On the other side of that wall is a corner hutch with 4 tiers and 2 glass doors, which is really nice. I have a few collectible things that I want to put in there.
I couldn't get a good angle of Maddie's room. But she sure does have the best room in the house and it's perfect for her. She has 4 doors in her room: 1 leads to her bathroom, the kitchen, the hallway and of course, her closet. She has a nice walk in closet which also has hooks all around it to hang up her coats,..etc. It reminds me of my kindergarten classroom closet. It also has tri-level shelving space for her shoes and other belongings. There's also a lot of built in shelving on one side of her wall, which we made into her library.
Here's Madison's bathroom. The other bathroom door leads to our laundry room. I still have to decorate her bathroom once she decides what theme she wants. If it was up to her, she would have Elmo, Cinderella and Tinkerbell all in one. As for my other bathroom, well, we as a family are not sure how to decorate it. Jon has his Raider towels, Maddie has her Elmo bathmat and toys in there and I want something pretty and girly. We obviously don't know the meaning of the word: COMPROMISE!
The next 2 pictures are the kitchen. It's pretty plain looking- for now. But I like all the space and cupboard space. It also has a swinging door that leads to the dining area.

Finally, this is our backyard. We have no garage but we have a basement. The grass back there needs TLC, too. The house was built in 1926 but it was kept up pretty well. We had a choice of this house and a house built 30 years ago but there was something about this house that Jon and I really liked.We had to do a lot of cleaning because the tenants before us were NOT clean at all. But it all worked out. Overall, we LOVE the house. We do need to work on a few things but nothing too major. I'm sorry if I bored you all with our house. You all will have to come visit us.


Anonymous said...

Hi guys, The house looks great. We like the french doors. And tell madzilla to stay away from the dryer. lots of love tia kathy.
( 22 yrs. still fixing la casa, don't worry )

Maran said...

It looks really nice! I love the living room, too! We will definitely have to come visit someday!

Anonymous said...

Nice house BFF! looks very roomy. I need to go visit soon =)TTYL Take care tell Madison and Jon I said Hello. xoxo