Thursday, January 15, 2009

Better Late Than Never

Madison and Aunt Angela made really cute ginger bread houses. They both did a great job. Once again, Madison licked all the candies before sticking them on her house.

A night before Christmas Eve, Madison got her special visit from Santa Clause. She looks scared in this picture but if you could have seen her a few minutes prior, she was bouncing off the walls. When she opened the door, she yelled: "It's you again"! and then ran all over the living room saying: "Oh my gosh, Santa's in my house"! It was a classic and not to mention PRICELESS!!!!
For some reason, when we downloaded the video, there was no volume so hopefully we'll be able to show it to you all on our next post.
It was nice that Madison got to spend time with Uncle Joe and Aunt Angela. In fact, they were her babysitters for a few days. Although she gives Angela the cold shoulder and favors Joe, Maddie had such a fun time with them and misses them a lot! Thanks guys for taking such good care of our sweetheart.
I love this picture. Sorry Joe, I hope you don't mind me putting this hilarious picture of you eating Maddie's play food that Angela made her. This was Madison's personal request.
Maddie with her favorite cousin, Lexi.
Opening a ton of gifts on Christmas.
The day after Christmas was spent with Auntie Maxine and Oscar Meyer. We ate a delicious dinner and opened more gifts.
Here's my gorgeous husband, not to mention the proudest Raider fan, with his gifts from Auntie. I love this guy!!!!
We hope you all had nice and safe holidays. We went down south on Christmas Eve and spent a few days there. It was nice to spend the holidays with our families. Maddie got a ton of gifts, which are very appreciated. She got an equal amount of both toys and clothes, which included a my size Barbie from Papa Lujan(Thanks for all the other gifts, Calvin), a puppet, books, game boards, an awesome strand of lights with cool decorations that Angela made (which look cool in her room), movies, CDs, ....etc. Two of the things that Jon and I got her was an Elmo Restaurant and an Easel. She loves them both. She is a great cook. We ended up bringing 3 of my brothers back with us to Hanford for a week and got to spend New Years with them. We had great holidays but yet exhausting at the same time.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

July 25 is a good date. But i'm hoping for the 23rd. Say hi to the family. Vincent left to ASU today. And will be back in March for a week. Give Madison a BIG KISS and HUG ,LOVE tia