Monday, August 3, 2009

Tummy Time & Sister Bonding

Finally, I have some time to post a few pictures of my gorgeous girls. Madison has been adjusting great to all the new changes that have occurred since Brianna has arrived. She is without a doubt an AWESOME big sister. She has not shown any negativity towards Bree and always wants to help. When Bree cries, she is at her beckon call trying to soothe her and help her to calm down. She told me that since she is my sweetheart, Brianna is now her sweetheart. Brianna's eyes follow Maddie everywhere she goes.

Brianna is 3 weeks old today. Her features have changed but not too much. She LOVES to eat and is a pretty good sleeper. She has had a few fussy days but overall, Bree is a good baby. When she was first born, she looked a lot like Maddie with the exception of her dark hair and her skin is tanned. I still think she looks like Maddie but has her own look to her as well. I think she is going to be more tanned than Madison but not as dark as me. As for her eyes, we're still waiting to see what color they'll be. When Madison was born, her eyes were so dark but when she turned 3 months old, she got her blue eyes. So we'll have to see what's in store for Brianna. I posted a few pictures of the girls. Enjoy.

It's hard for me to catch Brianna awake. She's asleep in most of the pictures I have of her. I just love her chubby cheeks.

Brianna likes to lay on Maddie's bed. Sometimes when she's fussy, I go lay her with Maddie and she stops crying.
Bree wasn't in the mood for tummy time. She's usually content because she likes to be on her tummy but she wasn't having it yesterday. Big sister Maddie is giving her words of encouragement. :0)
Maddie is always playing the guitar for Brianna especially when she is being fussy. She makes up lullabies to sing to her baby sister. As you can see, Bree is sound asleep. Thanks Maddie. Below is a picture of my princess.


~Maddie & Bri Bri's Nina~ said...

Aw God~Daughters are so beautiful. I knew My Boogie was gonna be an awesome BIG SISTER 2 My Lil Bri Bri. Bella B is getting big and he Lil look changed a bit from the last time I was there. I just want 2 pinch her cheeks & hug her like a teddy bear. My nieces inspire me 2 have kids. Sister U & Whiteness sure do make some beautiful children...Love Ya Lujan's Give my princesses some loving from me.

Ps...U should give Maddie some guitar lessons, even though she already looks like a pro!!!

NANA said...

My Grand daughters are so beautiful. Madison you are a great Big Sister I like the way you play your guitar and sing to your sister. Just like Nana use to sing to you minus the guitar. Brianna Love those cheeks your features have changed a little since Nana last seen you. Can't wait to see all of my princesses. I Love and Miss you so very much. Give My Madison and Brianna a big hug and kiss from Nana and Papasito.

Anonymous said...

Awww!!! Brianna is so adorable she has such chubby cheeks!! and Madison looks beautiful as always she is growing so fast!!! you have such beautiful lil girls BFF!!! I gotta say I'm lil bit jealous rite now;). Miss U. Say Hi to Jon. Give hugs and kisses to the lilttle ones for me.

Love ya,