Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Cute Pictures of the Lujan Girls

I've had some more time on my hands so I've been taking a lot of pictures of the girls. It's really hard to get pics of Brianna smiling because her usual happy hour is early in the morning when I can barely open my eyes. So I'm getting better at having my camera on hand but all her pictures are of her in her jammies. I love her 2 cute little dimples on her chubby cheeks. She has a dimple on her chin but since she is so chunky, you can barely see it.

Here's Maddie in her Hannah Montana night gown. For the last week, she has been really into Hannah Montana. She has never really watched Disney Channel but now she has 3 favorite shows: Hannah Montana (of course), Suite Life of Zack and Cody and some weird cartoon called Phinneas and Ferb. I can't begin to tell you how many times we've watched the Hannah movie so Jon made her a C.D. so that she doesn't have to watch the movie all the time just to hear the music. :0) I'll have to post a video of Madison rocking out. She is soooo cute!!!
Brianna hanging out on her boppy.
Bree doesn't always have calm and quite days.
These are moments I live for. The above picture is one of my favorite pictures of Maddie and Bree. When I can't get Brianna to chill out for a little bit, I put the boppy on Maddie and lie Brianna on her lap. As you can see, she is nice and calm and even gives big sister a smile. Maddie can sit there and chat her little heart out with her baby sister. Again, I live for these priceless moments.
She is definitely an out- doors kid like her sister. She's been to the park 3 times already and just sits in her stroller very relaxed.

This swing is our best friend when Bree is fussy. It doesn't always do the magic trick but I guess we can't always have our way. She sure can give a mean look.

Overall, we are doing good. Brianna is now "gooing" and making other noises that are really adorable. We are grateful that she is healthy and growing stronger everyday. She is also getting better at taking pictures. She usually cries once I snap a picture (she is so not like Madison). Jon said she is probably traumatized of the camera since he began snapping pictures as she was coming out into the world- not even a minute old. Ha,ha,ha! We are very blessed to have our beautiful precious girls in our lives.

1 comment:

Mateo said...

aww look how cute my love muffin looks!
and the GIRL:)
when u post the pics u better mention how much my love muffin adores me
i want the world to know!hahah

i love you sister